A Gift to the Community by the Community
After the construction of the Downtown Connector, a leftover triangle of land adjacent to St. Luke's was an unsightly piece of dirt surrounded by a chain-link fence topped by barbed wire. In 1991, forward-thinking citizens decided to turn the 1.35 acres into a community park. With the support of the Georgia DOT, individuals and corporations donated money to beautify this space that became a gift “to the community by the community.”
Poet and Pulitzer Prize nominee Dr. Pinkie Gordon Lane wrote The Garden to honor the 1995 dedication of The Park at St. Luke’s:
We find our way into the garden
among begonias and pink roses. They have masterminded consciousness, governed the way we view the world. Canna lilies, hydrangeas flourish with a vengeance. Subdued in their presence,
we are part of wind-borne wildness and cultivated life nourished by soil beneath the feet. Let all invade the air,
rule the sculptured angles of this church - - in the rush of mornings
or resonating Sunday anthems where light moves in and out of eves. We feel the power of The Garden - - life still waiting to burst forth. The structure stands
tall stalwart vibrant still defined by all that breaths - -
reminder of the hands that molded mortar, crafted art cradled seeds to form the garden of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. |
435 Peachtree Street, NE | Atlanta, GA 30308 | [email protected]